
Home Repairs and Upgrades Code About Me

Here you can find some of the coding projects I have worked on!

HTML Projects

First Website

This website you are on right now. This is my first website and my first ever experince with HTML and CSS (at least to this point JS will more then likely be added later). I made a website back in highschool as apart of my computer science class however our teacher just had us using Wix. Which at least to me was a massive disappiontment. So this is pretty much my first time really building a website from the ground up. I had spent about 2-4 hours on each HTML and CSS prior to starting my work on 2/11/24. I got my domain name and hosting setup and posted my small bit of code and was some happy. I haven't had a chance to work on it everyday due to a crazy hectic time at work the past few days. However I'm steady plugging away today being day 3 of work.

This is the HTML and CSS code for my rather blank at the moment home page. Hopefully in the future it'll be able to hilight new things in working on. Not sure what I wanna add but honestly sky is the limit. The head contains so site info. And the Fox tab icon and CSS file are linked as well. Next I added my page titles. Setup my custom font and styled the titles with CSS. Then moved onto the navigation bar. I came up with four pages to start with(the Home, Repairs and Upgrades, Code, and About Me). Used CSS to make the table fit the width of the page and center all the table data in order to make the bar look a little better. Then moved onto the Repairs and Upgrades page.

Starting next page I just copied the head and CSS from the home page. I added an image and text. However I wanted to picture to be on the left and text to be on the right of the image. So first I had to resize the image in order to fit it to the page (little note while working on this page actually I'm wondering if the slow load time I have been noticing on mobile is due to the size of the images. May need to make the images smaller just the few I looked at are ranging from 4 to 7 MBs I will for sure have to look into that. Maybe even making sure lazy loading is working. Anyway note over. lol). Then had to float the image to the left so the text would fill in on the right. And used breaks in order to space everything to my liking. Followed that up with a little more text. 3 images resized to fit next to each other. And called it a day.

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